Wayne County Public Library The Gathering Room Meeting Policy
Meeting space at the Wayne County Public Library is available to local groups and organizations in accordance with regulations established by the Library Board of Trustees. Because the space is shared with the Young Adult collection of the library, all meetings or programs must be open to the public and the YA collections must remain accessible to library patrons and staff.
The Wayne County Public Library does not discriminate with regard to race, religion, sex, or political belief in making meeting space available to any person or group. Use of the meeting rooms by any group or organization does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board of the group's policies or beliefs.
The meeting space may be used for the following purposes:
One completed application form must be submitted to the Circulation Desk in person, by mail, or by faxing it to (570) 253-1240. Applications must be signed by an authorized representative of the group who resides in Wayne County and who shall attend the meeting and be responsible for the conduct of the meeting and for any damages.
Each application will be reviewed and the contact person will receive confirmation either by fax or by mail. The meeting rooms will not be considered scheduled until confirmation is sent.
Applications must be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date in order to allow sufficient time to process the application and notify the contact person. They will be accepted no earlier than two months before the desired meeting date for a one-time use. For example, for a meeting to be held on April 10, the earliest date an application may be submitted is February 10. Monthly meetings may be made up to six months in advance.
Although telephone applications will not be accepted, the Circulation Desk staff will provide information regarding the availability of the rooms over the telephone.
No more than one meeting per month by an organization or its subgroups may be scheduled on a regular basis.
When it is necessary for a group to cancel a reservation, the Circulation Desk should be notified immediately.
The Library reserves the right to revoke permission to use the meeting space based on violation of library policy, inclusion of false information on the application form, emergency library closing, or other library-related cause.
Meetings are scheduled during regular Library hours and must adjourn at least 15 minutes before library closing. Access beyond scheduled library hours is possible only by special arrangement.
The Library has the following equipment which may be set up by the requesting group as part of the use of space: Tables and chairs, Lectern, Presentation easel (no paper)
The library cannot assume responsibility for setting up the rooms. When the meeting is completed, the room must be cleaned up and all furniture returned to the storage closets.
Washroom facilities are available and readily accessible.
For and in consideration of the use of the meeting space and library facilities, any person or group using same hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Wayne County Public Library from any and all actions, suits, relating to its use of such rooms and facilities. Further, such person or group agrees to reimburse the Library for any and all costs for repair of any and all damage as may be caused directly or indirectly to the room and/or facilities by such use thereof. If any organization refuses to pay for the damage, the matter will be referred to the Library Solicitor for legal action.
The Board of Trustees of the Wayne County Public Library will review the meeting room policy and regulations periodically, and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Board authorizes the Library Director to waive regulations under appropriate circumstances.
Any appeals for changes in, or exceptions to, any portion of the meeting room policy will be considered. An individual or organization wishing to file an appeal shall submit it to the Library Director in writing.
The Library Director will respond in writing. If the individual or organization feels that the response is unsatisfactory, he/she may submit a written request for consideration by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review the request and notify the organization or individual of their decision in writing. The Board's decision is final.
To request an application form call Jane French at (570) 253-1220 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Meeting space at the Wayne County Public Library is available to local groups and organizations in accordance with regulations established by the Library Board of Trustees. Because the space is shared with the Young Adult collection of the library, all meetings or programs must be open to the public and the YA collections must remain accessible to library patrons and staff.
The Wayne County Public Library does not discriminate with regard to race, religion, sex, or political belief in making meeting space available to any person or group. Use of the meeting rooms by any group or organization does not constitute an endorsement by the Library Board of the group's policies or beliefs.
The meeting space may be used for the following purposes:
- Meetings of the Wayne County Public Library Board of Trustees, board committees, WCPL Friends’ board and committees, and meetings of the Wayne Library Authority board and committees. If any board needs to call executive session for matters of confidentiality, those meetings will adjourn to private meeting space elsewhere in the library.
- Library-sponsored meetings or programs.
- Library-related meetings or programs.
- Local nonprofit groups and organizations for cultural, civic, and educational purposes.
- Local business and for-profit groups for educational and training purposes.
- Meetings of county or township agencies, committees, and boards of local units of government.
- Priority is given to meetings or programs of the Library Board of Trustees, Library-sponsored meetings or programs, and Library-related meetings or programs.
- Private social functions.
- Groups soliciting funds or selling products or services.
- Programs or gatherings that present a clear and present danger to the welfare of the participants, attendees, Library staff and patrons, and/or the community.
- Programs not suitable for the Library’s physical facilities or that would interfere with the Library's work by causing excessive noise, safety hazard, security risk, etc.
One completed application form must be submitted to the Circulation Desk in person, by mail, or by faxing it to (570) 253-1240. Applications must be signed by an authorized representative of the group who resides in Wayne County and who shall attend the meeting and be responsible for the conduct of the meeting and for any damages.
Each application will be reviewed and the contact person will receive confirmation either by fax or by mail. The meeting rooms will not be considered scheduled until confirmation is sent.
Applications must be submitted at least seven (7) days prior to the meeting date in order to allow sufficient time to process the application and notify the contact person. They will be accepted no earlier than two months before the desired meeting date for a one-time use. For example, for a meeting to be held on April 10, the earliest date an application may be submitted is February 10. Monthly meetings may be made up to six months in advance.
Although telephone applications will not be accepted, the Circulation Desk staff will provide information regarding the availability of the rooms over the telephone.
No more than one meeting per month by an organization or its subgroups may be scheduled on a regular basis.
When it is necessary for a group to cancel a reservation, the Circulation Desk should be notified immediately.
The Library reserves the right to revoke permission to use the meeting space based on violation of library policy, inclusion of false information on the application form, emergency library closing, or other library-related cause.
Meetings are scheduled during regular Library hours and must adjourn at least 15 minutes before library closing. Access beyond scheduled library hours is possible only by special arrangement.
The Library has the following equipment which may be set up by the requesting group as part of the use of space: Tables and chairs, Lectern, Presentation easel (no paper)
The library cannot assume responsibility for setting up the rooms. When the meeting is completed, the room must be cleaned up and all furniture returned to the storage closets.
Washroom facilities are available and readily accessible.
- No smoking or tobacco product use is allowed in the Library.
- No alcoholic beverages are allowed.
- Only light refreshments are permitted. Groups must supply their own refreshments and paper products. No kitchen facilities are available.
- The meeting space must be left in a clean and orderly condition. Users are expected to remove and dispose of their materials, papers, trash, etc. when they have finished. Should any special cleaning or garbage removal be required as a result of a group's use of the meeting room, a fee will be assessed to the group or person who signed the application.
- Groups will be responsible for the meeting room during the time they are scheduled to use it and will be charged for any damage to the room, furniture, or equipment.
- The Library does not provide storage for non-library owned items nor can library staff assist in carrying supplies and materials to the meeting room.
- The meeting space may not serve as headquarters of a group or organization. Organizations may not use the name, telephone number, or address of the Library, even on a temporary basis, except for notification of location of a specific meeting. Promotion of non-library events must not imply Library sponsorship or endorsement. All promotional materials, flyers, and press releases must include the following statement: Use of the library meeting room by [insert group or organization name] does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of [the group's] policies or beliefs.
- Messages or phone calls will not be relayed to people attending meetings except in an emergency.
- Signs with meeting information may be displayed on the bulletin board at the entrance to the meeting space. The signs may contain the name of the organization and time of the meeting. No other signs will be displayed anywhere else inside or outside the Library on Library property.
- Nothing may be attached to the walls, ceiling, floor, furniture, equipment, or doors.
- Meeting room attendees may not leave children under 8 unattended in the Library, in accordance with Library policy.
- Groups using the meeting space are not permitted to charge registration fees or require purchase of an item as a condition for attending the meeting. Membership dues and voluntary incidental donations may be collected to cover material costs.
- Additional electrical equipment, other than that provided by the Library, is not permitted in the meeting room without prior approval by the Library Director.
- Any group that does not leave the Library promptly at closing will be charged $25 for any portion of an hour past closing time of the Library.
- Groups are responsible for compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and for providing qualified interpreters or auxiliary aids, upon request, for their programs.
For and in consideration of the use of the meeting space and library facilities, any person or group using same hereby agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Wayne County Public Library from any and all actions, suits, relating to its use of such rooms and facilities. Further, such person or group agrees to reimburse the Library for any and all costs for repair of any and all damage as may be caused directly or indirectly to the room and/or facilities by such use thereof. If any organization refuses to pay for the damage, the matter will be referred to the Library Solicitor for legal action.
The Board of Trustees of the Wayne County Public Library will review the meeting room policy and regulations periodically, and reserves the right to amend them at any time. The Board authorizes the Library Director to waive regulations under appropriate circumstances.
Any appeals for changes in, or exceptions to, any portion of the meeting room policy will be considered. An individual or organization wishing to file an appeal shall submit it to the Library Director in writing.
The Library Director will respond in writing. If the individual or organization feels that the response is unsatisfactory, he/she may submit a written request for consideration by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will review the request and notify the organization or individual of their decision in writing. The Board's decision is final.
To request an application form call Jane French at (570) 253-1220 or send an e-mail to [email protected].
Wayne County Public Library Materials Selection Policy
The Mission of the Wayne County Public Library (WCPL) is to support diverse community needs for information, education, inspiration, and entertainment through access to electronic and print resources, programs, and expertise.
The purpose of the materials selection policy is to state clearly the principles for selecting materials for the Wayne County Public Library.
Responsibility for Selection
Responsibility for materials selection rests primarily with the Library Director and staff and reflects the policies adopted by the Library Board of Trustees.
The Wayne County Public Library has identified four primary roles or service responses in fulfilling its mission:
The WCPL will collect appropriate materials in a variety for formats in support of its stated roles.
Criteria for Selection
The WCPL acquires and makes available materials that inform, educate, and entertain. The Library provides, within its financial limitations, a collection for the general public that embraces broad areas of knowledge, works of enduring value, and timely materials on current issues.
The materials are selected to:
The selection of materials for the collection does not constitute an endorsement of contents. The WCPL recognizes that some materials may be controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection decisions are made on the merits of a particular item in relation to building the collection and fulfilling the roles of the library.
The Mission of the Wayne County Public Library (WCPL) is to support diverse community needs for information, education, inspiration, and entertainment through access to electronic and print resources, programs, and expertise.
The purpose of the materials selection policy is to state clearly the principles for selecting materials for the Wayne County Public Library.
Responsibility for Selection
Responsibility for materials selection rests primarily with the Library Director and staff and reflects the policies adopted by the Library Board of Trustees.
The Wayne County Public Library has identified four primary roles or service responses in fulfilling its mission:
- Current topics and titles: offering popular, high-demand materials in a variety of formats for all ages
- General information: providing information and answers to questions on a broad array of topics related to work, school, and personal life.
- Information literacy: addressing the need for skills related to finding, evaluating, and using information and technology effectively.
- Lifelong learning: assisting people of all ages in their pursuit of self-directed personal growth and development independent of any educational provider
The WCPL will collect appropriate materials in a variety for formats in support of its stated roles.
Criteria for Selection
The WCPL acquires and makes available materials that inform, educate, and entertain. The Library provides, within its financial limitations, a collection for the general public that embraces broad areas of knowledge, works of enduring value, and timely materials on current issues.
The materials are selected to:
- satisfy the needs and interest of the community
- support the roles of the library
- present balanced points of view within the collection
- accuracy
- authoritativeness
- public demand
- literary merit
- social significance
- enduring value
- timeliness
- existing collection
- access to electronic information
- other community resources
- interlibrary loan availability
The selection of materials for the collection does not constitute an endorsement of contents. The WCPL recognizes that some materials may be controversial and that any given item may offend some patrons. Selection decisions are made on the merits of a particular item in relation to building the collection and fulfilling the roles of the library.
Gifts and Memorials
Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of in accordance with the library’s selection policy. The library does not accept Reader’s Digest Condensed Books, National Geographic magazines, or textbooks with a publication date over 5 years old.
All suitable donations become part of the general collection and should not require special shelving or circulation procedures. No conditions may be imposed relating to any gift either before or after its acceptance by the library. Items that are not suited to the collection will be donated to the library’s book sale. Donors will be given an acknowledgement of their gift, but the library cannot provide evaluations or appraisals of donations.
Memorial and monetary gifts are welcome with the understanding that the library has the final decision on which materials are purchased. The donor’s request for a specific subject area or format will be considered. Bookplates may be used to acknowledge the donor and/or the honoree.
Weeding, the quality control of a collection’s usefulness, is an integral part of collection development/management. To maintain the vitality of the collection, the removal of outdated, superseded, damaged, seldom used, and excess copies is to be done on a regular and systematic basis. Weeded materials will be given to the library’s book sale.
Books or other materials that have been weeded are not necessarily “gone” from the library’s collection. Old copies may be replaced with newer copies, old editions may be replaced with new editions or more up-to-date material, multiple copies may be decreased to a single copy. Most importantly, through resource-sharing, online catalogs, and improved interlibrary loan systems, library patrons have access to materials from libraries across the state and the country even when materials are not on our shelves.
Specific collection areas
Electronic resources:
New technologies and formats will be considered as they develop and according to the likely permanence of the format, budgetary and space limitations, patron demand, and compatibility with available equipment. The WCPL will select materials by the following criteria:
The library will purchase, as funds allow, material on local history with an emphasis on the county and general Pennsylvania works. Genealogy of a general nature will be considered. The WCPL has very limited capacity for archiving and preserving original or historic materials, specific family genealogies, and other such resources. The WCPL recognizes the vital role of the historical societies established in the county and will continue to provide referrals to and partnerships with the historical societies to assure access to unique local history information.
The WCPL collection will include
Gifts of books and other materials are accepted with the understanding that they may be used or disposed of in accordance with the library’s selection policy. The library does not accept Reader’s Digest Condensed Books, National Geographic magazines, or textbooks with a publication date over 5 years old.
All suitable donations become part of the general collection and should not require special shelving or circulation procedures. No conditions may be imposed relating to any gift either before or after its acceptance by the library. Items that are not suited to the collection will be donated to the library’s book sale. Donors will be given an acknowledgement of their gift, but the library cannot provide evaluations or appraisals of donations.
Memorial and monetary gifts are welcome with the understanding that the library has the final decision on which materials are purchased. The donor’s request for a specific subject area or format will be considered. Bookplates may be used to acknowledge the donor and/or the honoree.
Weeding, the quality control of a collection’s usefulness, is an integral part of collection development/management. To maintain the vitality of the collection, the removal of outdated, superseded, damaged, seldom used, and excess copies is to be done on a regular and systematic basis. Weeded materials will be given to the library’s book sale.
Books or other materials that have been weeded are not necessarily “gone” from the library’s collection. Old copies may be replaced with newer copies, old editions may be replaced with new editions or more up-to-date material, multiple copies may be decreased to a single copy. Most importantly, through resource-sharing, online catalogs, and improved interlibrary loan systems, library patrons have access to materials from libraries across the state and the country even when materials are not on our shelves.
Specific collection areas
Electronic resources:
New technologies and formats will be considered as they develop and according to the likely permanence of the format, budgetary and space limitations, patron demand, and compatibility with available equipment. The WCPL will select materials by the following criteria:
- replaces standard printed texts.
- provides greater accessibility and currency.
- provides new sources of information in an efficient and economical manner.
The library will purchase, as funds allow, material on local history with an emphasis on the county and general Pennsylvania works. Genealogy of a general nature will be considered. The WCPL has very limited capacity for archiving and preserving original or historic materials, specific family genealogies, and other such resources. The WCPL recognizes the vital role of the historical societies established in the county and will continue to provide referrals to and partnerships with the historical societies to assure access to unique local history information.
The WCPL collection will include
- materials of educational or instructional value which coincide with patron interests and requests.
- works of literature, historical, and documentary material, and classic movies.
- materials of educational or recreational value for children and families.
- Donations of popular feature films and other video material will be considered within the overall video collection development.
Statement of Concern
Persons with a comment or concern about material in the library collection should meet with the Library director to discuss the material in question. If the person is not satisfied with the outcome of this discussion, he or she should fill out a Statement of Concern and submit the completed form to the Library Director. The Library Director will acknowledge receipt of the form in writing and will include copies of the WCPL Materials Selection Policy, the ALA Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read and the Freedom to View statements. The Library Director will meet with the appropriate staff to review the Statement of Concern and to respond promptly in writing to the person submitting the form. If the individual is not satisfied with the response, he or she may appeal to the WCPL Board of Trustees. Policy approved June 2000, amended 2006
Persons with a comment or concern about material in the library collection should meet with the Library director to discuss the material in question. If the person is not satisfied with the outcome of this discussion, he or she should fill out a Statement of Concern and submit the completed form to the Library Director. The Library Director will acknowledge receipt of the form in writing and will include copies of the WCPL Materials Selection Policy, the ALA Library Bill of Rights, the Freedom to Read and the Freedom to View statements. The Library Director will meet with the appropriate staff to review the Statement of Concern and to respond promptly in writing to the person submitting the form. If the individual is not satisfied with the response, he or she may appeal to the WCPL Board of Trustees. Policy approved June 2000, amended 2006
Patron Code of Conduct
The Wayne County Public Library’s mission is to support diverse community needs for information, education, inspiration, and entertainment through access to electronic and print resources, programs, and expertise.
In order to achieve this mission and assure public access, the library strives to provide reasonable safeguards for its building and collection and for all those who enter. Certain behaviors that are illegal, dangerous, or disruptive to the library’s business are thus prohibited.
The library reserves the right to ask any person to leave the building for any reason.
Use and protection of the building, collection, and equipment:
Library patrons and the general public shall not:
Safety and protection of the general public:
Persons age 10 or older may use the library unattended. Children age 9 or younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver who is at least 12 or older. Adults or caregivers who bring children to the library are required to supervise them for their safety and so as not to disrupt others. Parents or caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers in storytime may leave the room but should remain on the premises. (See also the Safe Child Policy.)
Patrons shall respect the rights of all other persons inside the library including visitors, patrons, staff and volunteers.
Library patrons and the general public shall not:
The library staff on duty shall be responsible for enforcing compliance with this Patron Code of Conduct in a consistent manner.
The Wayne County Public Library’s mission is to support diverse community needs for information, education, inspiration, and entertainment through access to electronic and print resources, programs, and expertise.
In order to achieve this mission and assure public access, the library strives to provide reasonable safeguards for its building and collection and for all those who enter. Certain behaviors that are illegal, dangerous, or disruptive to the library’s business are thus prohibited.
The library reserves the right to ask any person to leave the building for any reason.
Use and protection of the building, collection, and equipment:
Library patrons and the general public shall not:
- Enter unauthorized areas of the library, remain in the library after closing, or remain in areas or use equipment intended for staff use only.
- Vandalize or deface the library building, furniture, or equipment or use furniture or equipment in any unauthorized manner.
- Conceal or attempt to remove library materials or property without proper checkout or official library authorization. (Pennsylvania Title 18 PS § 3929.1)
- Fail to return any library materials or property when due or fail to pay fines and fees as assessed. (Pennsylvania Title 18 CSA § 6708)
- Deface, damage, or mutilate library materials by marking, underlining, removing pages or portions of pages, removing elements of kits or multi-part materials, or in any other way rendering materials unusable by others.
- Alter, delete, damage, or destroy any network computer data, workstation, program, or system. (See also Computer/Internet Use Policy.)
- Smoke or use smokeless tobacco inside, on porches, or anywhere on the library grounds.
- Bring food or drink into unauthorized areas of the library.
- Bring animals into the library except those required by disabled or handicapped patrons.
- Bring weapons into the library unless authorized by law.
Safety and protection of the general public:
Persons age 10 or older may use the library unattended. Children age 9 or younger must be accompanied by a parent, guardian, or caregiver who is at least 12 or older. Adults or caregivers who bring children to the library are required to supervise them for their safety and so as not to disrupt others. Parents or caregivers of toddlers and preschoolers in storytime may leave the room but should remain on the premises. (See also the Safe Child Policy.)
Patrons shall respect the rights of all other persons inside the library including visitors, patrons, staff and volunteers.
Library patrons and the general public shall not:
- Enter the library while under the influence of drugs or alcohol or use drugs or alcohol while in the library building.
- Enter the library without shirt or shoes or remove same while in the library building.
- Engage in any activity established as illegal under borough, state, or Federal statutes.
- Engage in activity so disruptive as to cause complaint or interfere with others using the library. In the case of complaint or disruption, a verbal warning shall be given. As long as the patron abides by the request to stop the behavior, he/she may remain in the building. (See below for further compliance guidelines.) The following actions have caused complaint in the past and are thus prohibited:
- Talking, singing, whistling, playing audio equipment, speaking on a cell phone, or playing a hand-held electronic game loud enough for others to hear at a distance of three feet or more;
- Smelling of perfume, body odor, gasoline, or other smells strong enough that others can detect the odor at a distance of three feet or more;
- Physical or verbal abuse including but not limited to harassment of, staring at, or swearing at, or threatening another person, or using obscene language;
- Running, roller-skating, roller-blading, or skateboarding inside the building or on the library grounds.
The library staff on duty shall be responsible for enforcing compliance with this Patron Code of Conduct in a consistent manner.
- In case of violations of a disruptive nature, staff shall issue a verbal warning and provide the patron with a copy of the Code of Conduct. If a verbal warning is ignored and the conduct continues or the conduct is stopped only temporarily, staff shall order the patron to leave the premises.
- In case of violations of a dangerous or threatening nature, staff shall order the patron to leave the premises for the day. If the offending patron refuses to leave the library, staff shall call the police for assistance.
- In case of violations of an illegal nature, staff shall call the police for assistance and the library shall prosecute if appropriate.
- In case of repeated violations (three warnings or removals within 90 days), the offending patron’s library use shall be suspended for 30 days.
- The library reserves the right to permanently revoke all library privileges of any person whose actions are so flagrant or persistent as to constitute a hazard to staff or other users.
- Any patron who believes they have been treated unfairly as a result of enforcement of the Code of Conduct should report their complaint to the Library Director who will investigate in a timely manner and respond to the patron within one week.