Tip #1 - You can start your search from top of any page on our website. Just type in a word and hit the Search button. You will be taken to our catalog website and the results of your search will be displayed.
Tip #2 - You can also start by jumping straight to the catalog website. Click "My Account" at the top of any of our web pages to be taken there.
Tip #3 - You can narrow your search results by selecting a specific Type of search (Titles, Authors, etc), or by choosing a specific Format of item you're searching for (DVDs, Large Print Books, etc). You can also use more words in your search to narrow the choices. Be sure to click the Search button again after narrowing your choices.
Tip #4 - What to do if your search results do not contain the item you're looking for? Try expanding your search libraries from the Wayne/Pike Local Consortium to the Northeast District instead. This will allow you to search through 4 additional counties in Northeast Pennsylvania. Books (and other items) from those counties will be delivered to your local library for you, for free, the same way titles from other libraries in Wayne County are delivered to your library.
Tip #5 - What to do if your search results are empty and nothing is found? First, try expanding the Library search criteria to the Northeast District. Or reduce your Format criteria to All Formats . Or reduce the number of words you are searching for. And if you STILL don't find what you're looking for, click the link that says "Request it via Interlibrary Loan" and fill out the easy-to-complete form. Our librarians will search far and wide for the title you're looking for and will let you know the results of our search.