Wayne County Public Library Interlibrary Loans
What is an ILL?
An Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service offered by this library and many others throughout the state of Pennsylvania in order to provide access to more items. Your library requests a book from another library for you, and that library lends the item to you. Libraries can agree (or decline) to send items based on their policies and procedures--and most do. However, the owning library has the right to block working with any library/patron who has abused its materials. This means you need to take special care of ILLs, as your behavior affects ALL of our patrons’ borrowing privileges, not just your own!
Is there a cost?
There is a cost to our library, but not to you. You will not be charged a fine for a late book, but your privileges may be revoked (see reverse) and you would owe us the full amount of a lost or damaged item.
ILL procedures:
Request Restrictions:
Policy Revoking ILL Privileges to Patrons:
This service is NOT free to our library. It costs money to process the items, pay staff to work with them, etc. Some items that are lent are out of print and therefore irreplaceable. Losing materials that belong to WCPL is bad enough, but losing material from another library costs WCPL the replacement costs, fees, and sometimes privilege to borrow. As a result, there are specific consequences for the abuse of ILLs.
Definition of abuse of ILL privilege: return items late, damaged, without covers/discs/pages/etc.; missing items; repeatedly ordering items and not picking them up; not returning items; losing items and not paying for items.*
In order to keep those pathways open to all WCPL patrons, those who abuse the ILL privilege will face the following consequences:
If you have any questions about the ILL process, procedures, or restrictions, please call 570-253-1220 and ask for the Interlibrary Loan Librarian
or email [email protected].
What is an ILL?
An Interlibrary Loan (ILL) is a service offered by this library and many others throughout the state of Pennsylvania in order to provide access to more items. Your library requests a book from another library for you, and that library lends the item to you. Libraries can agree (or decline) to send items based on their policies and procedures--and most do. However, the owning library has the right to block working with any library/patron who has abused its materials. This means you need to take special care of ILLs, as your behavior affects ALL of our patrons’ borrowing privileges, not just your own!
Is there a cost?
There is a cost to our library, but not to you. You will not be charged a fine for a late book, but your privileges may be revoked (see reverse) and you would owe us the full amount of a lost or damaged item.
ILL procedures:
- Request your item: You can request a book by calling 570-253-1220, by filling out a physical form in the library and giving it to Circulation or Reference, or by using our digital form by clicking on the link that says “Borrow from another library.”
- Your item arrives: We will call you and alert you that your item is available. Typically, items arrive in 1-3 weeks, but wait times may be longer.
- Loan period: Loan periods are determined by the loaning library. Your due date will be physically on your item, usually on a sticker that shows it’s an ILL and not a regular item. You may be entitled to one (1) renewal, but this is also determined by the lending institution. Please call at least five (5) days in advance to request a renewal.
- Return: Return items in the bin outside like any normal item!
- Lost/damaged items: If you lose or damage your item, you’ll be charged the replacement cost of the item and be blocked until you pay for it (see reverse).
Request Restrictions:
- You may request more than 1 book at a time in a series and 1 TV season at a time, BUT please be aware that we cannot indefinitely hold out-of-order books/DVDs.
- You may only put in 6 requests total at a time. You cannot request more material until your loaned material has been returned.
Policy Revoking ILL Privileges to Patrons:
This service is NOT free to our library. It costs money to process the items, pay staff to work with them, etc. Some items that are lent are out of print and therefore irreplaceable. Losing materials that belong to WCPL is bad enough, but losing material from another library costs WCPL the replacement costs, fees, and sometimes privilege to borrow. As a result, there are specific consequences for the abuse of ILLs.
Definition of abuse of ILL privilege: return items late, damaged, without covers/discs/pages/etc.; missing items; repeatedly ordering items and not picking them up; not returning items; losing items and not paying for items.*
In order to keep those pathways open to all WCPL patrons, those who abuse the ILL privilege will face the following consequences:
- 1st offense - Blocked from ILL for 3 months or until the item is returned, replaced, and/or paid for.
- 2nd offense - Blocked from ILL for 6 months and WCPL account is also blocked until the item is returned, replaced, and/or paid for. ILL privilege loss continues for 6 months.
- 3rd offense - Blocked from ILL for 1 year. WCPL account blocked until all fees/issues with items are resolved. ILL privilege loss continues for 1 year.
- 4th offense/repeat offenders - This also applies to those who have abused ILL materials in such a grievous manner such as loss or damage of irreplaceable items or items totaling more than $100 will have ILL privilege permanently revoked at all WLA member libraries.
If you have any questions about the ILL process, procedures, or restrictions, please call 570-253-1220 and ask for the Interlibrary Loan Librarian
or email [email protected].